I would like to introduce you guys to Dr. Sami Al-Arian . He is a Pro Palestinian activist and was a Professor at University of South Florida . He spent a lot of time working on Capitol Hill trying to help the Palestinian people within the system. He as far as I’ve been able to research has always been about trying to find a legal and peaceful solution to the plight of the people of Palestine . He has met with both George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton along with MANY other top level senators and congressmen. He was constantly harassed by the government for his efforts .
After 9/11 in 2003 he was arrested in grandiose fashion and touted as ” The most dangerous Terrorist in America” . They made such a big deal out of it they even had U.S. Att. General John Ashcroft hold a national press conference to claim Dr. Sami was the leader of P.I.J. ( Palestinian Islamic Jihad ) a fact which he has stated was false from the beginning and further stated his condemnation of people who would harm innocent civilians as a way to make their points. He was held for 2 years before he could go to trial . When they finally got to trial Dr. Sami and 4 associates of his were charged with a combined 200+ counts of Terrorism and such . When the trial ended after 13 days of deliberations, the jury acquitted him on eight of 17 counts, while remaining deadlocked 10-2 in favor of acquittal on the other nine. Out of the 200+ charges against the 4 men there was not one “guilty” verdict . When asked what it would have taken to convict these men one of the jurors said “EVIDENCE” ….. Despite being acquitted he was still held without bail . The man was acquitted!!! Why is he still in jail?? The FBI tapped his phone for close to 10 years(not just his calls but his wife and childrens conversations) and had been investigating him for longer and still had not been able to convict him.
Then after 4 years of being kept from his family the government offered him a plea. If he plead guilty to a charge involving him donating to a charity for women and children somehow loosely connected to P.I.J. they would drop the remaining charges and let him go if he left the country. Now if this man was such a “HUGE” threat to the US why would they offer to let him go??????? After being worn down for so many years the Dr. wanted to return to his family so he signed the plea only to have the government illegally break the written agreement . No matter how you feel about the Israel Palestine conflict this man had broken no laws and was acquitted. The system worked but the government is holding this man illegally . He has now been on a hunger strike for nearing 50 days and has been put into solitary confinement for no apparent reason .
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