Saturday, February 23, 2008

timmerman`s kriek...

Had a little night out yesturday.. It all went pretty smooth. My friend Robin is probably coming up here sunday. Fucking awsome... I better get my drinkingarm warmed up...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

fucking foot!

Just when i was going to start training on my new fightclub, i fucked up my foot...
Spent the whole night on the emergency.. By the way, this is the X-ray thing.


Sun is shining, you can just feel the energy boost!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Had an awsome day!

I`ve just had a great day with Alfred, in the nice spring weather in stockholm.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008


And it`s not Cider, It`s Beer... Cherry flavoured beer!!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

rootbeer coctails! 1 yard from home...

Was supposed to go out yesturday. but we finally ended up in sofies sisters crib, eating sushi and drinking some new zeeland vodka that tastes just like rootbeer.. kinda good but i`m still glad i brought some lager...
I`m getting back to sleep now... hungover? fuck yeah!
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Friday, February 08, 2008


Why do i allways end up not sleeping...
Now i`ve watched half a season of that 70`s show and i`m not even tired, i`ts 2.30 am. I might even have to watch the other half..
Witch does`nt bother me shit! haha.. anyway..
good night ,sleepyheads.. And HELLO WISCONSIN!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


I accidently ended up in the town of Umeå.
I started school... again.. witch kinda makes me feel like a little kid.
Witch i guess i am.
There is a lot of snow witch you all know i love.
And i`ll try to fit in to this student life, mostly by getting drunk i guess..
I`m pretty good at that!

/later #1

and check out The EVERLAST WEB SITE!



Maby i should pick up blogging... even though i fucking hate the word... but since i moved up north pretty fucking far from everybody i know i`d like to hope somebody`s kinda interrested enough to read some shit i need to ventilize... i dont know..